

4 months in!

Long time no post - looks like we're already nearing the end of an entire semester, holy.

The last almost four months have been a huge rollercoaster of emotions for me. Things are going well, and I don't regret anything that's happened in my relationship since I last updated.

I just had some short thoughts -

Aren't relationships scary?

I don't quite mean the fear of breaking up or being dumped; it's more of...

When you're in a trusting, healthy relationship with someone - of course it's natural to think that you'd live the rest of your life with them. Yet, you don't know what will happen down the line; you hear of couples who break up after one or two years, and think - woah, wait, will that be me? Am I being blindsided by love? What's ahead in store of me?

And you might think it's not such a big deal until you think of the time, energy, feelings, secrets that have been exchanged - and all of a sudden it's fearful to think about.

Yet there's a huge trust that goes into this, something that makes you want to continue even though almost everything is an unknown, even though there's nothing you can plan about it. You feel as if you want to do everything for your partner; caring for your significant other and their family seems second nature. And at the same time you want to scream at the top of your lungs -

I love you.

And that's when I realized that I fell in love.